Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Jacqueline Conn (2015)

My concept statement is ''I am exploring the feeling of disbelief through the experience of accepting myself.'' The first thing that I thought of when I was given this statement was how people view themselves in a rather negative way. I chose a broken compact mirror to represent this because people always find faults in their appearance (symbolized by the broken mirror) and they want to hide those flaws (symbolized by the makeup). However, the second part of my concept statement states ''through the experience of accepting myself.'' I represented this by, instead of just having a broken mirror (which is rather depressing looking), I colored in the mirror so when it was shattered, it looked beautiful. This symbolized how everyone has their own flaws, but if you accept yourself for who you are, you will be able to see your true colors/beauty. The setting of my photo was on my bathroom floor. I thought that this was an appropriate setting because bathrooms are where people usually look at themselves the most. I also took this picture in a dimmer lighting and at an angle. I did this to try to make the mirror look like it was dropped out of shock, this ties in with the first part of my concept statement.

There were not many steps in my Photoshop process. The main thing that I learned about was how to use the all mighty pen tool. However, I didn't use this skill in my final project. Like I said earlier, there were not many steps in my Photoshop process, the only edits that I made were the basic edits (brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows, value). My photo exemplifies the concept statement from English in many ways. I explained a lot of the symbolism in my first paragraph. My photo is of a colorful, shattered compact makeup mirror that is on a bathroom floor. The shattered mirror symbolizes how people always judge themselves and focus on their flaws. The shattered mirror symbolizes this because in a lot of shows, when someone is ugly, the mirror they look in shatters. The makeup also ties into this because people always want to cover up their flaws. However, when you accept yourself for who you are, that's when your true colors show. This is symbolized by the colorful glass.
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