Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Being Unpretentious: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Kelvin Garcia (2015)

In the photo there are 4 toy cars, 3 of them are facing towards the camera these 3 are bland boring ugly looking cars while the last car is in the back being the noticeable color yellow and its shape differs from the other cars. plus it's riding on top of another car. The photo is somewhat cool because it makes the yellow pop out more as for having the background, which is white so you'd be able to focus more on the cars. This helps out my concept statement because it shows the truck being unpretentious around other cars. In Adobe Photoshop I learned about vignetting, filters, and layers, and the importance on certain aspects in photography needed to emphasize some parts in my photo. I enhanced the image by increasing its color since the main color of the photo is yellow and yellow stands out from the other cars which are, black, gray, and burgundy.

The photo ties in with the concept statement, ''I'm exploring the feeling of being unpretentious around others,'' by showing the yellow truck unpretentiousness behind the cars around the simple bland boring cars to show that the truck is better than the others but it also has the noticeable potential for what it is and it's what sticks out from the crowd, it would've shown. The point of having bland cars in the front is that the cars is your main focus, then you notice the big yellow truck which again represents the unpretentiousness.
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