Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Forgetting: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Spencer Viaggi (2015)

This is a revised version of my earlier ''Conceptual'' photo. This means that I have the liberty of being free from whatever artist statement thing that I was stuck with at the beginning of the year, which was so infuriatingly vague and restricting. Since I forgot the artist statement, that means that I can submit the actual nice photos that I got instead of whatever fit the criteria. This is one of the better ones I took, and I would actually like for this one to be displayed under my name, unlike that godawful ''Comic'' I made. When I shot this, I didn't think about meaning. I didn't think about how anything interacted with each other. And I don't care to bluff a reason for it now. I crossed a pier on a sailing trip and thought, ''Oh, that looks pretty. Let's get a picture of that.'' Then Mrs Parkinson made us ruin it by putting a filter over it, so this version doesn't have a photoshop filter on it either. Just a little bit of tampering here and there.

The Photoshop experience was a bit odd. I'm used to it, but there's still clearly a lot to learn. It's a shame I had to ruin nice photos with those awful filters, though. If I'm going to ruin something, it had better be so ruined that it's funny. In this case, it was just sad. It's a good thing I kept backups. The sailboats portray a sense of freedom from the dumb concept statement. Just imagine me, on a boat, laughing and throwing obscene gestures at my concept statement, who is crying. But nobody cares about its tears. They are lost in the eternal blue that I am sailing away on. While flipping it the bird.
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