Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Humanoid: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Aashia Mehta (2016)

My flash fiction is about John Byte, who enters the city of New York and heads into a building where he will interview for a major technology company. A director gives him five minutes to complete a task on a computer and he solves it quickly within less than a minute. Shocked, the director makes him sign a contract, bringing him into the firm. The director follows John to congratulate him one last time, but notices the piling of cables underneath John's suit. John turns out to be a robot and eventually loses his job.

Creating this rising comic illustration was a long and tiring process. First, I created a flash fiction in English and a paper version of my comic. We were required to use linear perspective and a variety of transitions between panels, which was difficult because I am not a great artist. I had to follow several YouTube videos to create a linear perspective drawing of a building and a city. I used this comic as a template to create another drawing on a giant sheet of graph paper. Then, I used a burnisher to trace this drawing onto an illustration board and used markers to color in the board. Finally, I used Genius Scan on my phone to scan my board and upload it as a PDF to trace on Adobe Illustrator. Because it was my first time using Illustrator, I had to learn how to use several tools such as the pen, gradient, and shape tool. I found it easier to work with Illustrator than using a pencil to draw out my comic. There is a variety of colors, shapes, and details you can put to enhance your drawings through Illustrator. I am definitely pleased with the work I have made and it has definitely improved from my initial drawings. Nonetheless, I would change the fonts and location of the speech bubbles to make it more of a comic dialogue and create a more detailed perspective drawing of a city.
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