Freestyle Academy proudly presents

First Day in Strange God Kingdom: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Eva Figueroa-Piercy (2016)

This takes place in a heaven-like place called ''Strange God Kingdom'' which is a place where all worshipers of Strange God come to rest in the afterlife. My story is about a nine-year-old girl that has just come to Strange God Kingdom, and is given the job of mailman in the kingdom. While rushing to get her last letters delivered for the day, she runs into someone familiar. She recognized the face almost immediately, it's her mother who had left her four years ago. She is so ecstatic to finally see her mom after so long, but the mom is indifferent. The mom tries to get away but they soon after get caught by guards for not doing their work.

The initial sketch was a lot more detailed and ''messy''(as a style I was experimenting with), but then later decided that it would be too hard to trace with the burnisher in the time I was given to complete it. I decided to change to a more simplistic style with more basic colors than I had originally planned. After scanning the physical copy, it was time to put it into illustrator. This was the hardest and longest process of them all! Being new to the Illustrator pen tool, I struggled a bunch getting exactly want I wanted. I then decided to go a little more simplistic to fit for the sake of how I used the pen tool. Although I am proud of myself for what I have done, I do wish I had known much I would have struggled with the pen tool. I'm very glad I had this opportunity, I am more skilled in digital art which is probably my greatest achievement from this assignment.
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