Freestyle Academy proudly presents

An Unexpected Call: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Gabrielle Viera (2016)

The story is about a guy who becomes ill and his future looks very grim. His friend is there for him but after awhile she grows apart from him letting him be in her past as she moves into her future. But one day she gets a call from him but it's not the one she was expecting.

When I first started this comic I had a very simple idea in my head but starting the sketches the ideas became more elaborate and clear. After the sketches we traced them onto a illustration board. With that we colored them in so we would have a rough sketch for illustrator. We then uploaded them to Illustrator and used Illustrator to go over the shapes and add details the whole time having the illustration board for reference. This was an eye opening experience using the programs I had never heard about and making something great with them. I learned a lot through the process that I wouldn't have learned from starting from scratch in Illustrator. The whole process made my Comic the best it could be.
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