Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Play for the Passed: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Ian Baxley (2016)

This story follows a young man who is working on a play as a set builder. One day he sees a girl actress who makes him act very strange. You find out later this girl had an uncanny look similar to our main characters dead sister. The story is meant to explore the five stages of grief in a story where you are not meant to know about the grief until the end, changing the meaning of the story entirely.

I started this story as a less than five hundred word flash fiction, then made it into a three page graphic novel. After that, we made a rough sketch of our climax on a large piece of paper. After the initial sketches on a piece of graph paper, we transferred the drawings onto cardboard by using a small pen like tool to put dents into the cardboard where lines were. We went over the dented outlines in pen to transfer our drawing onto the cardboard. After that we scanned our drawings onto the computer to work on in Adobe Illustrator. We went over our drawing in Adobe Illustrator perfecting them and making them the best they can be. Illustrator was originally hard for me as the pen tool is very unlike using a pen in real life. The pen tool uses lines and curves to make any shape imaginable, but was still very hard to learn for me. After I did though, transferring and perfecting my comic into a computer environment was very easy.
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