Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Strings: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Keenan Chau (2016)

My story is about how much I dislike changing strings on my guitar. I don't mind changing strings because they are old. But when one breaks while I'm practicing I need to stop my momentum to replace a string. Usually after I'm done I don't feel like playing anymore and move to something else.

Beginning the illustration process I took pictures of the subjects we were going to draw. Then I used the pictures as reference to draw on a large sheet of paper. After I finished the rough drawing on the paper I taped it onto an art board. I traced the drawing using burnishers making marks on the artboard. After that using colored pencils and markers I filled in the picture to make it easy to see. Now with the art board finished I take a photo with my phone and upload it to the computer. Using Illustrator I trace the art board and make a digital version of the comic. The tools in illustrator work very similarly to photoshop so learning how to use them wasn't very hard. I ended up redoing most of my drawing from the artboard in Illustrator. I traced the pictures I used as reference to draw the art board. I mostly used the pen tool to draw curves. I found myself using the line tool a lot to draw straight lines. If I had to redo the project I probably would have spent more time developing a storyline. I feel that my final product does not convey everything that I wanted it to. I didn't realize this until after I had completed most of the drawings so I decided to stay with it.
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