Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Rememory: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Kelvin Garcia (2016)

As the meteor crashes down to Earth, a girl is taking a walk with her dog and as the meteor crashes down the dog runs into the woods, barking and trying to hunt down this meteor. In the woods, they approach a field, along with the floating meteor above this pond. The girl completely staying calm and ignoring the floating rock, questioning why the dog even cared about it in the first place, quickly the rock sucks her into itself and spits her and her dog out as they enter a new realm and in this realm is reality and reality needs a host and reality has been waiting a long, long, long time and reality is patient! Reality is true… Although reality cannot work well without a good host so reality must find the perfect host and reality is willing to try again, and again, and again just to get it perfect where reality can be the parasite it's meant to be and spread. But first reality must restart.

The entire process of our illustration started with our sketchbooks where we sketched out ideas in panels of 8 with a story, learning on how to use linear perspective to create depth and detail, then drawing it all out on a sheet of wide graph paper where we placed it on a sketch board and used an indent tool known as a burnisher to press onto the board and trace all over of what we drew onto this board. Once that was completed we colored everything in, personally I love sharpies and this entire board was completely colored in sharpies. I then scanned it and implemented it onto Adobe Illustrator where here I added or removed the details from the comic, retouching colors and shapes with layers upon layers. The experience in creating this piece gave a nice perspective on illustrations in comics we see today and the hard work put into them.
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