Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dreams Come True: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Avery Deaton (2016)

My Illustration is about a girl named Alexis who is looking for a job. She loves animals and wants to be a vet. She rushes to the animal shelter, but when she gets there there is a familiar face. She realizes it's Zoey from school. She gets so nervous she runs to the bathroom to calm down. When she is in front of the mirror she hears the door click behind her. She thinks it's all in her head but still checks. She tries to open the door but it won't open. All she does is scream to try to get someone's attention but no one hears her. She starts to think that Zoey is getting the job because she is stuck in the bathroom. In the back of the room a stall door opens and she looks behind her to see that it was the boss. They both look at each other wondering what just happened. They both try banging on the door but still no one hears them. The boss recognizes Alexis and interviews her in the meantime. In the middle of the interview the boss gives her the job. Finally someone walks into the bathroom and is startled when they both rush out. They go to the boss' office to sign the papers. Along the way, they pass Zoey looking at them with anger and sadness. Then she runs out the building. The next day at school Zoey walks up to Alexis to apologize. All Alexis does is listens and smiles.

First we had to think of an idea that we would have to draw out on a piece of graph paper. Once done with that we had to use a burnisher to press down on a piece of illustration board, then outline it and color it in. We downloaded an app to take a picture of the piece and email it to put it on illustrator. After its on illustrator we had to go in detail, shapes and colors to make the hand drawn piece look like the piece we were creating on illustrator identical.
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