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Home?: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Nicholas Coleman (2016)

In my story there is a main character, and his name is Steve. Steve is a very lonely guy, and he spends the majority of his time with his best friend Craigory. Craigory is going on a class trip soon and he has to work very frequently to afford the payments for the upcoming trip. This makes Steve very upset because he wants to spend more time with his best friend. Steve ends up getting into a car accident bringing up the question, was it worth not seeing his best friend? Is it his fault?

The process for this illustration started with a narrative in English. I wrote multiple drafts of the story until I was satisfied, then I began on the graphic novel. This novel was the most useful tool throughout my work process.I used it for the first sketch of my illustration, I used it for the illustration board, and I even referenced it when we starting working in the program illustrator. As far as skills go, the skills I learned in photoshop last semester transferred over to illustration without a sweat. The most useful of these skills was the pen tool. The pen tool is probably the most useful tool ever invented, it provided me with the means to be precise without wasting time with each individual contour. I am very pleased with my work, although I am not the best artist, I think my illustration tells my story the way I intended.
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