Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Hare-Man: The Quest for Peace: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Noah Huff (2016)

Hare Man - The Quest for Peace is the story of a rich man who attempts to become a superhero known as Hare Man, a bunny themed warrior of justice. He has made various pieces of technology in order to assist him in his crime fighting adventures, such as Hare-Vision and his patented ''Jumpers''. On his first night on the job, he begins to unravel a mysterious plot, filled with intrigue, politics, and hot cocoa.

I began creating Hare Man from a flash fiction we wrote in English. As we translated our stories to graphic novels, we learned several drawing techniques in Design, such as linear perspective. We then sketched the comic onto larger pieces of paper. Then we used burnishers to make imprints onto Illustration Board, which we then colored on with markers. We scanned those into picture format, and then brought them into Illustrator where we polished them up. I had issues with learning Illustrator's format, and most of it's tools, but I eventually go a shaky grip on it through repetition and guidance. I feel I could have put more effort into this project, and given the opportunity, I would probably have attempted to learn more tools in Illustrator before making another comic.
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