Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Tonald Dump: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Owen Mountford (2016)

The character depicted in this story is fictitious. Any similarity to an actual person is purely coincidental. This is a story about Tonald Dump. He resides in a Manhattan penthouse, travels by helicopter, and wears million dollar watches. Tonald goes by in his day to day life until he arrives at a large conflict: Should he run for president?

To create this comic we first started with a short story in English. In our notebooks, we sketched multiple versions of each panel from the rising action sequence in our short story. Once we had decided which version of each panel was the best we were given a large piece of graph paper to draw a full scale draft of the comic. Before drawing our draft we marked out the size of the final art board and outlined the panel layout. The full size rough draft was then copied onto the final art board using burnishers. The indentations from the burnishers were used as guidelines for the color draft of the comic. Once completed we scanned our color draft into Illustrator and began digitally recreating each panel and eventually, finishing our final draft. I had some initial difficulties with creating a unique panel layout. In our notebooks, where we did the panel drafts, each page was a rectangle and I used the entire space on each page. This was a problem when I copied my panel drafts onto the full size draft because there was nothing unique about the layout. If I had a chance to do the project over the one thing I would change the is setting because the backgrounds in my comic are extremely simple. If I had based the story in alternate location, the final comic would have been more visually appealing.
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