Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Flower: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Brooke Beard (2016)

In my comic, a girl and her boyfriend attend a party where another boy becomes infatuated with the girl. He follows her around and proceeds to give her a flower which she refuses.

We started The Graphic novel by drawing out eight panels onto a large poster board. This graphic novel had no words, which we added in later to turn it into a comic. We used a app called Genius Scan to scan in our drawings onto the computer. We then used the scanned pictures as a guideline for our Illustrator project. The illustrations are just the rising action sequence from our graphic novel, and not the whole story. This made it more challenging to convey the purpose of our story. In the comic we needed to use linear perspective to show depth. I showed this perspective in my first panel by using lines going into the background. To create our comics we primarily used the pen tool. The pen tool allows you to create shapes and fill them with color. I found it difficult to draw with only shapes, because I'm used to drawing everything by hand. Blending colors and creating gradients was also quite hard for me because I'm not used to using Illustrator. In the end I was happy with my comic. I think that after I overcame my obstacles, my piece came out the way I envisioned.
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