Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Killer Cookie: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Quinn Beckstead (2016)

In my story ''Killer Cookie'', we explore the life of our main character, Cookie Monster who start out as a naive ice cream in his home, Tin Pot Creamery. As he continues in his duties as ice cream, he realizes that it's not all sweet. When one day he gets scooped, he grows bitter about what his life has become. He goes insane and plots to destroy the ice cream around him that has been more successful in this life. Instead of realizing that it's not the other ice cream's fault, but how unfair life is in general. It's a classic loss of innocence story.

Our process in creating our comic started with the physical art board. We drew out our comics on graph paper and used burnishers to copy it onto cardboard. The most difficult part of this was figuring out how I wanted my layout. When I established a layout that I was satisfied with, I then colored. After that it was time to transfer it over to do digitally. We accomplished this by using an app called Genius Scan. With this, we were able to to take a picture of our comic with the right dimensions and prep it for Adobe Illustrator. Once in Illustrator, I drew over using shape tools and the pen tool to make my comic. I wanted to maintain my simplistic art style that I had instilled in the art board. I chose to keep my comic more simple because I thought it helped encapsulate the point of view from Cookie Monster who is essentially a child. Overall I'm very pleased with my comic. My favorite scene is the one where all over the ice creams are on fire. I think I love this the most because there was the most detail and it took the longest. If I could change one thing it would be my linear perspective panel.
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