Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Two Can Play At That Game: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Soline Gauthier (2016)

My story was about a black cat who is filled with jealousy once her beloved owner finds a partner. These seven panels illustrate the various stages of revenge it has planned out, leading up to the climax. The climax of my story is when the partner discovers the evil plans of the cat and she then tries to suffocate it. Luckily, its owner arrives home and pulls the woman off his cat. In the end, the cat receives what he wanted all along, his owner breaks up with his girlfriend.

We were asked to draw the seven panels in whatever perspectives we wanted, as long as one of them was in a linear perspective. The process of starting our project involved drawing it out on graph paper which we eventually attached to a board. By using the burnisher we indented our drawing into our board and colored it in. Once it was colored in we used Genius Scan to place it into Illustrator. I eventually decided that my scenes had to be close ups so as to add drama and my one linear perspective was that of my street. In Illustrator, I had difficulty with drawing hair. Since we were limited in which tools we could use (no brush tool or pencil tool), I decided to use the pen tool and create the hair by creating a shape. I also used colors to elaborate the mood of my scene. I had used red whenever the girl was in danger of the cat. Overall, I am quite content with what I have ended up with. It was the first time I had used Illustrator. What I would do differently is perhaps draw my characters more simply. The complexities of my drawing of the girl made it difficult to draw her profile. Ultimately, it was an exciting project and I learned a lot.
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