Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled Garbage Comic: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Spencer Viaggi (2016)

This was an idea I had thought of as sort of worldbuilding for a non-school related project, which I had to flanderise and ruin in order to make it fit the description for the project. It's a story about a sad man called Table being haunted by a dead daughter after being shell-shocked from a sudden apocalypse, caused by religious zealots debating whether or not their God is called JesusGod or GodJesus. Eighteen years after the apocalypse happens, he finds himself being accosted by Bone Farmers, a cult of bandits that believe that their powers come from the bones of the slain. His emotional attachment to the photo as well as his hand (Which is ''jittery'' due to him having a removed Corpus Callosum) eventually cause his demise, and instead of running into the territory of hostiles, he chooses to stand and fight over his dropped polaroid.

The initial idea for the story came when i was thinking about lore for the world I was building. I thought to write it out for my English short narrative without dialogue, but it turned out too long. I abridged it slightly and turned that in. Eventually, we had to draw up panels for it and turn that in. From there, we transitioned into Design class where I had to draw out the ''Climax'' of the story, and add dialogue. This as where it turned from a nice story, into garbage. The dialogue completely ruined the feeling I was going for, and my ineptitude at drawing and the simple art style I had chosen for this totally failed to get my ideas across. I had to storyboard specific ''Shots'' that I needed for this, I traced it over onto a large board, indented it onto another board, coloured it, and then went over it in Illustrator. I had no use for linear perspective, considering that the story took place in an area with little to no defined borders of sight or large square things for me to shape in. I just had to add it to the photo so I could get the credit for it. Using Illustrator was fun, though. I like the pen tool and learning how to use Illustrator has definitely primed me for other, better projects. This is just hot garbage, though. Better to turn away and look at something nicer.
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