Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fly Away: A Junior Visual Narrative Comic by Chingun Erkhembayar (2016)

''Fly Away'' is about a story which a fly falls in love with another fly. The story starts with a fly in the backyard. The fly then manages to get into the house, but their fate is left in the hands of the human with the mystical fly swatter.

First we were supposed to write a flash fiction which is a story that has very descriptive details. Along with minimal to zero dialogue. And we were supposed to do was, turn that into a Narrative Illustration, which is a hand drawn rough draft of the comic. Then we turned the Narrative Illustration into the comic strip. The first step was to use a huge piece of graph paper to make it proportional to the smaller version we had. After that we traced the sketch with a burnisher so that it would have an imprint on the illustration board. Then we colored and traced the lines. And when that was done, we had to take a picture of that and send it to ourselves and open it in Adobe Illustrator. We used Adobe Illustrator to once again follow and trace the lines. Just this time, it would be a digital version. For this step we used the pen tool a bunch. The pen tool is your best and worst friend. When it works it's all fun and cool, but when it doesn't you nearly lose your mind. My comic was pretty simplistic and if I were to do this again, I would most definitely add more shadows and more sense of depth. Overall I'm pretty happy with my work and how it turned out.
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