Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bob McFarlane: A Senior Profile Portrait by Emma Paige (2015)

For my Profile project I chose to write about and photograph Bob McFarlane. Bob is a teacher, basketball coach, employer and father. He teaches special ED and P.E. at Los Altos High school. He also is the Varsity basketball coach at LAHS leading the team to winning CCS last year. Bob started and runs Bald Eagle camps. Not only is this camp a summer camp for kids preK-8th grade, but he runs basketball camps all throughout the year. Lastly, Bob is a father to 3 beautiful kids (two boys and one girl); and is the husband to his wife Glenda McFarlane.

I use a telephoto lens for this shot. I had a shutter speed of 1/100, aperture of 240 and a f4. I had Bob stand in front of a background that would cause a color contrast with his shirt. I chose green leaves, trees, and bushes. I chose to have the horizon line below his head, so i shot from a higher angle. I also had the sun coming from behind him to make more contrast from his body and the background. The biggest struggle I had was the time of day I shot at. The sun was unbearable bright and cause many shadows, so it was hard to find a place to shoot that wouldn’t cause sun spots, or very dark awkward shadows.
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