Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Max Siams: A Senior Profile Portrait by Jessica Makower (2015)

Max Simas, is a 12 year old boy with an amazing talent. He has been playing the drums ever since he can remember. His dad saw his talent early and wanted to let him express that musical side of him so he got him drum lessons. One day his dad set him up with a band and after that one jam session they formed what is now known as WJM. W for William who is the singer. J for Jeremy, the lead guitarist. M for max the drummer.

The band has been together for over three years. The have been given amazing opportunities. They have performed at football games, charity organizations and even at the United Nations. The band's major mission is to raise money for children's hospitals. Even though they don't make a lot of money everything the do makes gets donated to children’s hospitals.
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