Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Ly Nguyen: A Senior Profile Portrait by Jiale Wan (2015)

The profile subject for my article is Ly Nguyen. He is the computer science teacher at Mountain View High School. He always seems be willing to help others. Not only is he dedicated to teach students computer science, he is also willing to go above his ways to make sure those that seek for help get what they need. He is very passionate about computer science and technology, but he is most passionate about teaching his passion, computer science. He is a tempered person and don’t usually talk much. He either helping students in the class or working on the next class project. He has a calm personality he seems to be humble of what he does.

For my profile shot, I decided to take the picture outside of his classroom. I choose outside of his classroom because it parallels with his idea of thinking outside the box. It is also better lighting outside the class. I had issues finding the right angle to take the shot because the walls on the outside of the classroom seems too distracting. The doors in the background also reflects too much light at the time when I took the shot. However, one success I had with the portrait was that the color of his shirt balances with the color of the wall in the background. The cool blue color on his shirt balances nicely with the war brown color of the wall. I told Mr.Nguyen to pose in cross arms to show his confidence and determination as a teacher.
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