Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Josh Makower: A Senior Profile Portrait by Katherine Dillon (2015)

Josh Makower is now a venture capitalist, but for the majority of his adult life, he worked as an entrepreneur and inventor in Silicon Valley. Josh is important because he creates medical technologies that improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Most of his time is dedicated to inventing medical devices and starting medical device companies, but Josh is also passionate about writing music and cooking. Throughout all of his diverse activities, Josh strives to improve the lives of others and bring something into the world that other people will enjoy.

I used red and green as two major colors in this photo because of Josh’s innovative mind and his quest to improve lives. To me, the color red is very bold and represents creativity. Josh is extremely creative and he he boldly dives into the unknown when he invents a new technology. Green is another major color in this portrait and, to me, green represents life. Josh’s profession focuses on improving and saving lives, so I thought that the combination of red and green elements would be fitting for Josh’s character. One of the major struggles in creating this portrait is that the red flowers were too bright and somewhat distracting. Although the color red is meaningful in my portrait, it was starting to take away from Josh’s face which, for obvious reasons, is the most important part of the photo. My main success was that I focused on framing so that Josh is placed well in the frame.
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