Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Jeff Morgan: A Senior Profile Portrait by Nolan Rudolph (2015)

Jeff Morgan, otherwise known as Señor Morgan to the students of Mountain View, is the main subject of this profile. Jeff has been teaching Spanish for a total of seventeen years, and has inspired countless individuals in the making. After participating in his class for a year and collaborating with his current students, I have come to understand that his personality is found thoroughly sociable, genuine and happy. His philosophical views on life, whether it be educational or social, are none less than extraordinary. To spread his wisdom amongst his young, he teaches lessons to his students that are both memorable and helpful, and I can attest that his words of encouragement still have an impact on me to this day.

I found a nice spot near his classroom where I brought him out to do a quick photo shoot. The sun was a complete disaster, but I decided to continue on with it anyways and make the best of it. I saw Jeff’s personality is a goofy and fun one, therefore, I simply asked him to display how he saw himself, shot a photo, and that’s the one you’re looking at right now. I focused entirely on him, therefore making the background blurry, which I also liked. Overall, I felt this photo greatly represented Jeff Morgan and his personality.
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