Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Lori Halliday: A Senior Profile Portrait by Cameron Conway (2015)

Lori Halliday refers to herself as a ''Jane of all trades''. She does all kinds of therapeutic and self-help work. She has become a sort of guru through studying body movement work, her expertise ranging from teaching pilates, gyrotonics, dance, to using these skills and more to help others rehabilitate. Lori runs a summer camp called Horse and Heart where she works with disadvantaged youth to assist them in finding themselves and learning life skills through arts and crafts, equine therapy, and various other activities.

I took this portrait at her home in the Santa Cruz mountains in October. Lori lives with her husband and daughter on a beautiful ranch that overlooks the ocean, so I thought that there was no better place to capture Lori and her spirit than with the beautiful Mother Nature in the background. I struggled with lighting while composing this shot because we were outside, but I think that it turned out nicely. I love the color scheme of my photograph, and I think the final product is very beautiful and representative of Lori’s natural beauty.
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