Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Narrative Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Aava Salehi (2016)

Landon Bryant leads a life without excitement, going through the same, lifeless routine day after day. He is returning home late at night from a long, rough day at work. As he recklessly drives double the speed limit on his way home, he hits a hitchhiker who was walking in the middle of the road. Guilt and fear consume Landon, so he offers her to rest at his place for the night before she gets on the road again. Dal, the hitchhiker, becomes comfortable with Landon really quickly. Through her flirty actions, she is able to get Landon under her thumb. Landon sees right over the flirtatious manipulation and thus agrees to help her run some errands. He is in awe with everything Dal does, but behind his back there is a lot more going on than he thinks. Hitchhiker Dal and Lonely Landon find a connection through this incident, but one far different from the one Landon thinks they have.
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