Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Higher: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Dasom Chung (2016)

Marie is an unhappy model who wishes for a normal high school experience. She is faced with bullying and isolation from jealous girls once she enters campus. Wanting to make things work out, she endures for a while, but cannot stand it anymore. She is upset that she could not have the school life she dreamed of, but despite her difficult experiences, she discovers that her life is beautiful in its own way. She decides that she wouldn't give up what she already has for anything.

The book jacket is a representation of Marie and her struggles, depicting her in her isolated state. The feathers represent a balance between the dark mood of the plot, and the light that Marie discovers from it. The feathers in the background are from the last scene in the book, showing the pillow fighting scene with fellow her models, illuminating the discovery of her happiness.
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