Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Tipping Point: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Devon Bartlett (2016)

My story is about an average man named Roger who has the job of answering the anonymous tip line at the police department in a sleepy town. One day Roger gets a call unlike any call he has ever gotten before, the person on the other end sounds very distraught. Roger listens intently as this person tells him their story. He can tell they are leading up to something big, but no official crime has been reported. Then the caller reveals something big, they were the witness to a murder. Roger wants to be like a real detective and begins to analyze the words of the speaker as they explain the details of this murder. Based on the details this person is giving, very precise details, Roger begins to wonder if this person was actually involved in the murder. This leads him to do something very risky, ask the caller if they killed the person they say they witnessed being murdered. However, Roger is only left with a dial tone when the caller hangs up.
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