Freestyle Academy proudly presents

2042: A Post Apocalyptic Adventure: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Edgar Saadi (2016)

For my Book Jacket, I wanted to portray the theme of nuclear radiation, aftermath, and survival, while at the same time still having some sort of ‘visual ambience'. To help with visual ambience, I created a 4 color gradient smoke background, then applied gaussian blur for smoothness so text would blend better on it. To help further portray my themes (nuclear radiation, aftermath, survival), I drew a hazmat suit in one corner of the book jacket, and an M1911 .45 in the other. For the M1911 .45, I wanted it to seem slightly damaged and bloody instead of brand new to help show the brutal apocalyptic environment the story is based in. I drew blood on the handle of the gun, and made the edges rough inside where the trigger would be. For my Hazmat suit, I chose to draw it as green because I thought it fit my color scheme better. My main element on the book jacket is the nuclear radiation symbol. This symbol took me some time to create, as I wanted to put a twist on the normal symbol into something a little different and a little more eye grabbing. All of these elements of course, relate to the plot of my story.

My story chronicles the adventures of a man named Saadz, and his adventures throughout post apocalyptic Los Angeles. Saadz resides in Megaton aka Dodger Stadium. The stadium was converted into a massive and lucrative safe haven and settlement after the bombs dropped. Saadz is soon tasked to lead a squad out into the wasteland out of the settlement, to find the source behind the recent raider assaults on various settlements across the city. Twists, turns, brotherhood, and hardship all are featured throughout the story, along with an extremely lifelike setting that follows the real streets and places of Los Angeles. Throughout the story the more Saadz seems to uncover about the raiders, the less he seems to understand. Who could be behind such a huge influx of barbarous rage? Who could still have enough manpower to level entire settlements in this already devastated world? These very questions elude Saadz and his squad throughout his quest. Can he put a stop to the near impending doom of Megaton and the rest of Los Angeles?
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