Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Compassionate Instinct: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Ezer Angeles (2016)

My story revolves around a popular high school Senior named Zachary Rolo Maxillion, who looks like if he has it all. He has fame, he has ''friends'' and he is good with the ladies. However, he was very selfish and arrogant, much like any typical popular kid would be. One day, while going to his calculus class, he encounters Christina, an old classmate he's known since elementary. Zachary soon finds out ''discreetly'' that her family's encountering rental issues and that they're getting evicted sooner or later. Zachary attempts to collect money and save Christina's home, but becomes discouraged when his ''friend'' Shawn reminds Zachary that's he's no better than Christina. Ultimately, Zachary decides to leave behind his ways of being popular in school and turns to being normal and secretly helps people in need, like Christina.

When I created my book jacket, it was hard for me to decide what kind of color mood, or scheme, is the right one for a story that has a positive and negative ending. Zachary, who was selfish and arrogant, represents the heart with a flame. His heart is going from heartless to full of compassion. The atmosphere around the heart and buildings was supposed to resemble Zachary's negative world he once was in. The buildings are supposed to represent Christina's home, meaning that she has no place to go to because where she's at is her only home. The font of the book jacket looks like chalk from a chalk board, indicating that this story originates at a school.
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