Freestyle Academy proudly presents

8:37 a.m.: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Isabel Owen (2016)

Time is the underlying structure of Arthur's being. His life is a rigid and calculated routine of tiny events; every minute of his day has a purpose and meaning. Everything must fall into place perfectly and in a punctual manner. However, one morning on his way to work a homeless lady, Martha, gets in his way by blocking an intersection, throwing Arthur off his normal schedule that he holds close to his heart. Arthur's frustration begins to rise as he is pushed increasingly off his schedule. However, amidst his moments of anger and loss of control, Arthur exchanges powerful eye contact with a beautiful mysterious woman walking across the sidewalk at exactly 8:37 am. Arthur memorizes this time and cannot shake the image of the girl from his head. From this day on, Arthur's morning revolves around the time 8:37; he plans his morning shower and cup of coffee to arrive at the crosswalk at exactly 8:37 in hope of seeing the mysterious lady once more. Due to his, Arthur starts to be half an hour late to his job everyday. This carries on for over a month, resulting in the loss of his job. Hopeless, Arthur returns to the crosswalk to find himself sharing a cigarette with the homeless lady that was the original trigger of all this chaos. Arthur explains his situation and she gives him advice, specifically to go grab a cup of coffee at the cafe within the parking lot. Arthur finds himself in the cafe face to face with the mysterious woman he had been so greatly obsessing over. As readers, we realize how the tiny events of our days add up to bigger pictures; if Martha was not on the crosswalk blocking the intersection that one morning, none of this would have happened. Arthur's life would be completely altered and would have remained a tune to his rigid schedule. Something so minuscule that caused Arthur so much anger and impatience ends up bringing him a life full of love.
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