Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Amending a Heart: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Jared Hansrajh (2016)

I tried to give my story a not so cliche name because most romance stories have a very cliche title so I thought that it would be best not to give something so typical. I gave the front of the book cover a bit more similar style to the book ''Twilight'', because when I first glanced at the book cover, it left me with a bunch of curiosity. The book is like any typical love story. 16 year old Isaac is on his way to high school. He meets one of his childhood friends Karissa. Isaac understood what issues Karissa had when she was a child and so he decided to be her friend when no one else would. They later meet up in high school, however no matter how many times Isaac tries to reconnect with her there is someone getting in the way. Karissa's new friend Nicholas is always trying to interfere because he is in love with her. Nicholas is the type of guy who's obsessive. He is desperate and will do anything to get in his way. Isaac figures out and now it is up to him to stop Nicholas from kidnapping Karissa.

I made the background surrounding the person black and white because the world the protagonist sees the world is fake except for the one person that is in color. Which he is in love with the girl in the front cover. On the back cover there is the criticism of what people had to say about the book and there is another person on the back cover that person is in black and white but I made him look more sinister because even though this person is a high schooler just like the two main characters he is actually a serial killer. Making this book jacket wasn't easy I had trying to smooth out the edges of the people I used to make the book cover.
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