Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Magic Matt: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Jessica Makower (2016)

Matt is sitting at his desk in his room. To one side he has a large stack of comic books and to the other he has a perfectly completed rubix cube. He is tapping his pencil. His face lights up he writes into a little journal that is in front of him. He writes ''Are you a broom because you just swept me off my feet?'' He sits back and looks at the paper smiles and heads to school.Matt goes into his class and sits down next to his best friend Jim. From across the room Matt sees the girl of his dreams, Emma. Jim is talking to Matt but matt doesn't acknowledge his existence because he is too busy admiring Emma. Jim notices that Matt is looking at her, laughs, and gives him a friendly nudge and challenges him and says that if he can get a girl's number Matt would have to go talk to emma. Jim gets up anyway and walks over to a random girl. Matt looks nervously at his journal and Jim compromises that he practices on a girl named Cindy. Matt walks up to her and says, ''Hey Cindy. You are like the sun because you are so big- WAIT NO I MEANT HOT!'' Matt tries to show her the notebook but she storms out of the classroom. Matt slinks back to Jim in defeat. ''See? I just can't do it!'' After school they go to a thrift shop and he tries on all sorts of different types of clothing. The last thing he tries on is a tie dye shirt and looks at himself confidently in the mirror.

The next morning Matt puts on the shirt and smiles as he heads to school. When Matt walks down the halls a bunch of student stop him and compliment his looks. Matt walks into his classroom and sits next to Jim. Emma enters the class and sits next to Matt and says, ''Hey Matt.'' Matt looks around to see if she is talking to another person in his class but no one is there. Matt points to himself and asks, ''me?'' Matt smiles and looks at Jim who gives him a smile and a nod of approval as the teacher starts to talk. After class, Matt and Jim go home. After a long talk they decide that the shirt needs to go. Matt starts to think about all the good times he had with Emma when he was wearing the shirt but decides that getting rid of the shirt is for the best. The next day Matt looks towards the door and sees Emma enter the class and looks back down knowing that she won't talk to him because the shirt is gone. Emma sits behind Matt and taps him on the shoulder and says, ''Hey Matt''. Matt looks up surprised and smiles.
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