Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Revenge of Aaron: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Jiale Wan (2016)

Aaron Chan is on a revenge hunt to find the man who burned his house and killed his wife. Despite all the adversities, he is determined to find the killer. However, for him to accomplish this mission , he must first reflect and confront to his dark past. What will he find from his past? What are the consequences? Will he revenge his wife? Revenge of Aaron is a thriller about how Aaron finds the culprit. With the help of his friend Kevin, they found out that the culprit of the murder was their old friend, Lucio. Turns out that after the three of them had discovered the secret chemical compound that ultimately started a big war, Lucio felt troubled by the thought and joined the alliance against the war. Lucio gets to see the death and tragedies caused by them; he was furthermore angered by the fact that Aaron didn't felt any empathy from the consequences of their actions. Aaron in the end was confronted by Lucio when Aaron captured Lucio. However, Aaron learned that Lucio only burned the house and recalls that he killed his own wife. Thus,Aaron kills both Kevin and Lucio to erase all the evidence. The book jacket art foreshadows how Aaron kills Lucio and Kevin with his gun. I set the color theme to be dark red to represent the blood and death involved in the story.
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