Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Puddles and Whale: A Strange Case Indeed: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Julianne Wilson (2016)

My short story is entitled Puddles and Whale: A Strange Case Indeed. It starts out with private investigators, Puddles and Whale, being woken up in the middle of the night by someone knocking at their door. As Whale walks downstairs, he trips and falls down the stairs. After picking himself up, he opens the door and finds Rebecca White standing in the doorway, drenched from the storm outside. He invites her in and leads her to the sitting room before going back upstairs to wake up his partner. After complaining to Puddles, and getting dressed, they go downstairs to hear what Rebecca is at their house for. She tells them that her boyfriend has gone missing but is still in contact with her. Whale initially laughs this off and tells her that her boyfriend is probably cheating on her, but Puddles insists that they hear her out and take on the case. Due to the time of day, Whale falls asleep only to be woken up by Puddles in the morning after Rebecca leaves. She tells him about the case and they begin to work on it. Puddles and Whale are loosely based on a conversation that I had with my friend Nick Dockery, who became one of my models for my cover.

I used Adobe InDesign to create my book jacket. While it took me a while to come up with the concept for it, I eventually decided on making my color scheme black and white, and used Photoshop filters on my photos in order to add some texture to the overall layout. I opted to use photos rather than illustrations for my book jacket, simply because I felt as though it created the cleaner, more professional look that I was ultimately going for.
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