Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Narrative Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Katherine Dillon (2016)

John is a determined environmentalist who has been working to stop the questionable practices of Vladimir Golubov, an evil beekeeper. For years John has made tireless and futile efforts to end Vlad's evil practices of testing on and genetically modifying bees. One day, John is particularly upset by a discussion with Vlad. He takes a hike to clear his head, and while he is out walking, a giant bee shoots towards him and stings him. Everything goes black. The next day, John sees a mugging in an alley outside his home. He holds his hand up to the aggressor, motioning for him to stop. John's arm grows hot and he suddenly falls to the floor, as if propelled by a gun's recoil. He stands up and notices a bee stinger lodged in the aggressor's chest. John runs home, surprised and scared at his ability to shoot bee stingers. He locks himself away, afraid that he could hurt an innocent person, until one day he realizes that he can use his powers to stop Vlad.

John immediately tracks down Vlad at his beekeeping farm. He prepares to pelt Vlad with bee stingers when he realizes a fatal flaw in his plan: Vlad is a beekeeper and is therefore wearing a protective beekeeping suit for the sole purpose of preventing bee stingers from getting through. John runs closer, trying to formulate a plan. But then, John steps in a puddle of honey. He is engulfed by the sweet honey and can't seem to pull himself away, but Vlad is approaching him. John looks around him and sees Vlad's beehive. John summons the bees from the hive and directs them towards Vlad. Vlad and his protective suit are overwhelmed and unable to handle the sheer number of bees. Vlad passes out. With Vlad unable to cover up his practices, John exposes his questionable bee farm to the authorities. By the time Vlad wakes up, his bee farm is shut down.
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