Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Crooked Creek Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Kayli Bailey (2016)

Tom, a not so bright but happy guy moves into an exciting new neighborhood, Crooked Creek, with an eerie feel he doesn't seem to notice. Tom is approached by a creepy perfect neighbor when he first moves in. Her name is Sue and she invited him to a pot luck which little to his knowledge, turns out to be a cult meeting. The Neighborhood cult worships the creek in which the neighborhood is named. As the cult begins to show its true colors and dog sacrificing habits, Tom remains blind to their evil, but his dog Prince Pennyworth does his own investigating. Tom is told to keep performing tasks for this cult and continually messes up until he finally blows it by releasing all of the captured dogs. As the cult grows hopeless, the cultists begin to see their leaders rude ways and turn against him sacrificing him instead. Tom never learns anything in the end and he and his dog live happily.

My story is a horror comedy so I wanted to reflect that in my cover by keeping very dark mysterious colors and fonts, but also adding in one of the funniest things in the story, the cult leader with the horse head mask. I also wanted to create depth with the use of my trees in the background fading in color the further back they go.
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