Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Haraldo: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Kevin Huang (2016)

Haraldo is a story based around the life of a Norwegian King named Haraldo Magnusson. You journey into the past, back to when Haraldo is playing on the streets in his hometown Bodo, with his best friend, Danny Devito. Haraldo is a member of the Magnusson family that rules the Northern Kingdom in Norway while Danny is a member of the Devito family that rules the Southern Kingdom. Although their royal claim for power stirred up natural competition between the two boys, they valued each other's friendship and treated each other as brothers. However, when Haraldo's elder brother, Regnor, the current king is assassinated, all the evidence points towards Danny. Upon Danny's return from retrieving aid for Regnor, he is accused of the crime and flees from the scene. The assassination of the King by one of the royal families of Norway caused heavy unrest throughout the country leading to the first civil war in the nation's history. The war results in the ousting of the Devito family and the banishment of Danny from Norway. Many years later, Danny makes a return to his home country against the wishes of King Haraldo. Danny gains support from the people and leads an attack on the capital city, breaching its walls and invading the royal palace to confront Haraldo.

The color scheme for the book jacket is red, white, and blue for the colors of the Norwegian flag. On the front cover you see a close up of Haraldo's face and on the back cover, you see a close up of Danny's face. I added trees and stars on the back cover to represent the journey that Danny Devito had to go through to reach Bodo, from hiding in the woods to traveling in the dark of the night.
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