Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sister Enemies: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Kyra Kliman (2016)

This story takes place in a small suburban town. The main characters are Cleo and her sister, Ally. Cleo is sophomore in high school. She is a star athlete and a good student. Cleo is kind and easygoing. Ally is a straight A student in her last year of high school. She is a perfectionist, and when everything doesn't go her way, she starts ranting. The sisters have been been competitive growing up and this has caused a lot fights. They hate sharing a room together because they don't get along. The sisters put tape down the middle of their room, not allowing each other to cross the line. Ally always has to be the center of attention and the mom's favorite. If Ally doesn't get enough attention she makes up lies and blames it on Cleo.

Cleo finally gets tired of being blamed for everything, and during the family counseling session one night she had enough. Later that evening, while everyone in the house was in bed, Cleo got her stuff and left with her dog. Cleo was thinking if she left all her problems would be solved, but that was not the case. A woman picked her up from the side of the road. After getting to know the woman and hearing her life story, Cleo finally realized she was running away from her problems. Cleo asked the lady driving the car to turn around and drop her off where she picked her up. When Cleo got home Ally and her mom were sitting on the couch crying because they couldn't find her. Cleo then realized that her family loves her and she overreacted and should have never ran away.
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