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Transposed: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Nolan Rudolph (2016)

Sean had never really achieved anything in life. He was always the butt of all the jokes, he had very little academic achievement and no control over what was to come of his life. He would always walk around school, slouched over, head constantly inspecting the ground, dressed in the same hoodie he has worn for the past few months as well as his superman pajama pants he got when he turned 13. No one really knew of him, he was just one of those nobodies that people referred to as a loner. The only thing he had ever been good at was skateboarding, and he wish to pursue this passion for the rest of his life. He never really made an effort to talk to anyone, unless it was his best friend counterpart, Alex. Alex was the complete opposite of Sean: popular, outgoing, highly intelligent, and a very optimistic view on life. They had been friends since kindergarten, and thus they've been through pretty much everything together. However, while Sean was swinging alone on the swingset, Alex was bench pressing cute girls on the playground. When Sean was rejected from the football team, Alex was the team captain and carrier. Alex knew that Sean had always wanted to be apart of the popular crowd, so he figured it was finally time to invite him to a party.

When they arrive at the party, everyone begins to take a liking to Sean! Sean begins to realize there actually is a happy and social side to him that he's never seen before. However, things seemed to take a turn for the worse when Chad stepped out into the party and began to criticize the skateboarding skills of Sean. After Sean claimed to be as good as he felt he was, Chad challenged him by daring him to go down the steepest hill in their city, just outside the house. Without hesitation, Sean decided to accept the dare. Now Sean and Alex are standing at the top of the hill, they've looked after each other for all their life and it was up to each other to stop one another from doing anything stupid. Alex failed to convince Sean otherwise, and as Sean stepped onto the board to begin his trek down the hill, he realized that he had made quite possibly the greatest mistake of his life.
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