Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Wax: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Paige Newman (2016)

A violent rash of arson attacks are spreading through London. The victims are always happy families. The culprit, known only to authorities as a young woman, has been seen only in fleeting glances, running through the cold, dimly lit streets and alleys. What will happen when she meets her weakness, will he swallow her whole, or will she find ease?

I designed my book jacket to represent my main character. It is a woman's profile, illuminated dimly by a vibrant red light. I wanted it to look kind of mysterious and strange, to better reflect the poetic and mysterious aspects of my story. To help give that mysterious look, I used a solid black background with no depth in the hope of more or less losing natural grounding that comes with curve and lighting. I chose to use a vibrant red instead of more natural subdued colors to detach the character from the reader, making it easier to separate yourself from her and give her the impression of insanity. The font I chose reminds me of old Jack the Ripper wanted posters, which I really like the look of. I tried to go for a sort of 1800's vibe with the text, but I don't think it really worked so I think next time I would try to go more abstract.
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