Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Too Many Me's: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Rebecca Bettinger (2016)

Twelve year old Mal meets five alternative versions of her future self. These future copies include a sporty Mal, smart Mal, famous Mal, evil Mal, and a normal Mal with no alterations. After being led on a wild goose chase, Mal comes to realize what is important to her and which version she wants to become. For the layout and design of my book jacket, I added the copy machine and the figures to illustrate the idea of having multiple copies.The crinkled paper in the background was taken from a scanner and meant to fit the style of an actual copy machine. My intention of the splattered paint was to look like ink stains. This gave the book jacket a messy look to it and emphasized the element of ''chaos'' that goes on in the story.
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