Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Roses and Thorns: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Rohit Padmakumar (2016)

My story revolves around Bruno Cooper, a stereotypical teenager who is currently living a mundane life. One day, in his bedroom, his mother comes by to drop off a box of old antique remains. Looking through the relics, Bruno discovers a watch that is ticking. He then stops it, resets the timer, and clicks it again. Immediately, he's in the middle of a street without the watch in his hand. After two minutes of constant running, Bruno eyes a girl in the distance then immediately snaps back to his room. Confused, he decides to click the watch again. This time he's in a movie theater. At this point, Bruno understands how long he teleports. After nearly two minutes, the same girl that he saw in the street earlier is sitting in front of him. As they make eye contact, he teleports back to his room. Scavenging through his drawers, he finds a digital clock and sets the timer to two minutes. When he clicks the watch again, Bruno finds himself on a field and is hit with a soccer ball. Dazed and dizzy, he falls to the ground where a group of girls playing surround him. After a minute, Bruno sees the same girl and his timer beeps.

As he comes back to his room, his mother enters, shocked to see that his face is covered in blood. After a persuasive excuse, his mother leaves and Bruno once again clicks the watch and resets his digital watch. This time, he is stuck in a car, and can clearly see a mafia deal outside. On the top of a parking lot, he sneezes and makes two mafia members question the sound and they rip him out of the vehicle. Bruno's heart rate increases as he tries to explain his teleportation situation to them. At the same time, his mother enters his room, only to realize he's not there. She then discovers the watch on the ground and resets it. Unaware that his mother just added two minutes to his teleportation time, Bruno is confused when his digital watch beeps because he is not back in his room. When the two mafia men have a dispute over where Bruno came from, they decide to throw him off the building. As they throw him off, he screams and sees the same girl standing on the ground and staring at him. Once they make eye contact, Bruno is back in his room laying on the ground. Then, his mother walks in to inform him that a girl is at the door waiting. Once again confused, he opens the door and finds the same girl in all the places he's teleported to.
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