Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dare To Dream: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Rose Lama (2016)

A girl lives her life happily with her parents, but everything changes the second she finds herself running in a dark alley barefoot. She suddenly stops herself panting heavy. Why am I running? She question herself just then she hears a sound. She hears a squishy noise. Curiously she follows the sound and she steps on something moist but comforting to her burning foot.

She doesn't seem to remember what happened after but the very next day she wakes up with cold wind blowing on her fragile body. Shivering, she looks up at the open window which filled her nostrils with a familiar scent. Wanting to close the window, she stretches her arm, forcing her body to move forward to reach the window. Suddenly she feels a stinging pain all over her body. She looks at her arm and finds fresh bruises tearing open as she stretches. She follows her bruises now forming fresh blood and meeting the dry patches of blood staining her skin. She follows the trail of blood, then soon it covers her weak body. What was happening? Was this just another nightmare?
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