Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Evanesce: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Sabrina Kwong (2016)

This is a story revolves around a decrepit piano tuner who lost his way on a hot summer's day and converse with a mysterious girl sitting beside a piano. What they accomplished was revealing the past and rediscovering the present, what they didn't think to uncover was the truth. The truth about the young girl suddenly reappearing in this man's life to tell him one thing: it's time to let go. A bittersweet narration, a story about grief and losing someone dear.

For my book cover, I wanted to add one of the most symbolic objects in the story which are the white carnations, as it is a flower bestowed for the dead. I meant for the color of the flower to be white because it symbolize innocence, therefore, hinting the hidden facts of the story for the readers to interpret in the end. I also added different pictures of what the tuner could see under a piano because it shows the fragmented memory of the main character in which I wanted to give a similar effect to the one who is viewing.
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