Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dangerour Business: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Sean Baker (2016)

The story portion of this project was created entirely in our English class. It was the first time we were challenged with coming up with dialogue along with the usual details moving the story along. The writing portion of this project was my favorite and really gave me a reason to experiment with writing narratives. I enjoyed having to create dialogue for multiple characters, and figuring out the secrets to making a flowing conversation in text. For the Design portion of this project we had to make a book cover which expressed what our story is all about. For me this was time travel. I had to come up with a way to show the readers of my narrative a gist of my story just by looking at the cover. The first thing I worked on in InDesign was the background of the book cover, I chose to use a gradient with the colors of white and blue with white being the secondary color, blue being the primary color. Next I had to figure out what symbols I should use to represent time travel, I chose lightning bolts. I started to make the lightning bolts in Illustrator by first finding a picture online to use as something to trace off. I chose blue again as the color for these lightning bolts using a lighter color as the outline and a darker color for the filler. After finishing making the lightning bolts in Illustrator I imported the image into Indesign and used the same lightning bolts multiple times all around the sides of the book cover pointing towards the middle and highlighting the title. Next I had to choose a type of font that would go well with the theme of my book. Of course I stuck with the lightning theme and chose the font Fighting Spirit. I chose black filler with a white outline for the color scheme of my font, making it pop towards the reader's eyes This font tied perfectly into the theme and is my favorite portion of the book cover. Next I had to figure out how to incorporate the spine of the book and the two inside covers of the book. I made it simple for this part and chose to use plain black because it matched the font color. The final step to finishing up my book cover was adding in the content such as quotes, author biography, summary, and author picture. I came up with three quotes from three different sources enticing onlookers to venture into reading my novel. For the author biography I wrote about what I would like my life to be like ten years into the future. Next I summarized my story leaving out main plot points and giving readers a cliff hanger making them wonder what will happen next. Finally for the author picture I took a professional headshot in our studio then incorporated it above the author bio surrounded by a pattern of checkered lines to give it a border.
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