Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Magnetic Man: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Willem Geier (2016)

The man on the cover is the main character, Carl from the story. After reading his fortune cookie with his date Minna he becomes magnetic. He doesn't receive magnetic powers where he can control magnetic fields and metals, he literally just becomes a magnet. Being a magnet is rather impractical and downright treacherous. Carl is put in mortal danger when his power is fully realized; silverware, heavy pots and pans, and many kitchen appliances are hurled at him.

In the book jacket cover, I designed the black triangles to represent any objects or perils that come crashing at him. The title is on the man on the cover as if it was magnetically stuck to him. The triangles on the cover also work to entrap the main character, as he is in a sense, barred from being able to do his everyday activities without having to fear for his well being. He stands alone, making him look alienated, since his magnetism pulls him away from Minna throughout the story.
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