Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Seven Minutes: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Cameron Conway (2016)

Claire has seven minutes in the closet with John. She has been waiting for this ever since they broke up four years ago in eighth grade, and now the time had come. She was finally going to get closure. After the first awkward thirty seconds in the closet with him, she finally cut to the point. They talked and bickered and reminisced their relationship, but Claire still felt like their business was unfinished. Talking it out wasn't enough; she needed to know if that spark she felt so long ago was still there. With only thirty seconds left of their seven minutes together, Claire grabbed John, kissed him, and hoped for some kind of answer. But she felt nothing! The door opened and Claire rejoined the party, leaving John in the closet, stunned, thinking about what he had lost.
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