Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Through the Curtain: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Celine Do (2016)

This story is about a bitter, upset, and hospitalized teenage girl named Claire. She is unwilling to have a positive outlook on life due to her weakened state in bed. All of Claire's thoughts are telling her that she should be upset with her life, until one day another girl is moved into her hospital room but Claire can't see her because they are separated by a curtain. The new roommate, Annie, is full of happiness. Annie's first attempt at friendship with Claire is a struggle due to her moody attitude but after a while Claire allows herself to be more at ease with Annie's excessive happy pestering. Annie's persistent kindness and conversation leads to Claire finally opening up about her life and how she feels. One day Annie tells Claire that she is so thankful that she is alive and she owes it to God. In response, Claire grows cold and snaps at Annie and tells her that there is no God because God would never let them wither in their hospital beds. Annie starts to cry and through her tears she tells Claire that she should be thankful for what she is given because she is alive and she has so much ahead of her. Claire ignores Annie and falls into a restless sleep. The next morning, Claire wakes up and apologizes to Annie about her behavior but she hears no response. Claire keeps trying to call for Annie but no words are coming from the other side of the curtain. The nurse walks in and in a panic, Claire asks where Annie is. The nurse softly tells her Annie passed away during the night. Claire is shocked that Annie was terminally ill. She asked the nurse to show her Annie's side of the room and Claire sees a wall filled with post-it notes. Each one says things like, ''Times I've made Claire laugh'' and ''When Claire says thank you to me'' With several tally marks on all of them. Then Claire finds a notebook under Annie's pillow. She was astonished to see hundreds of written notes and doodles from Annie. All of them were about the good things in her life and the things she didn't want to forget. Claire was completely dumbfounded as she discovered all of these letters. Claire realized that she has her whole life to live and she must make the most of it.
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