Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Think Outside the Box: A Senior Surreal Photo by Emma Paige (2016)

I had a dream one night. I saw a starry sky some trees and clouds. Out of the corners of the dream, boxes floated in. Inside those boxes creeped out hands. Those hands were almost liquidy. Floating in the air. They welcomed me, inviting me to dance in the night sky with them.

I had this vision for a photo composition with these images. I began the project taking photos in HDR of hands and boxes. Then I set my camera ISO to 800 and shutter speed to BULB. I released after about 10 seconds, then the exposure was alright. I edited the photos in Photoshop using HDR editing, and camera raw. I next placed all of the images on the same document and edited them together. Making some black and white then the background in color. I duplicated the isolated layer of the hands and boxes and motion blurred the underneath layer. I used the chrome photoshop filter to create the liquid like effect on the hands. Overall one of my main struggles with this project was finding a way to incorporate the filter into my project in a way that worked.
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