Freestyle Academy proudly presents

No Escape: A Senior Surreal Photo by Ann Suzuki (2016)

Have you ever felt trapped and want to escape from reality? My surrealism tells the story of a girl who wants to escape far away from all her troubles but no matter how far she tries to escape, she is forever trapped in a box. She can only travel in circles and can only look back at her life rather than look forward. Furthermore, her life is controlled by a bigger force than her own. She is only left in her black and white world where there is no escape.

To create my surrealism, I compiled different elements into Photoshop. I first took photographs of multiple objects that I wanted to incorporate in my final piece. I set everything up so all the different photographs from the different environments would match each other up. I used different photography skills such as HDR for the clouds to create a more dramatic effect. To do that, I took photographs of the same object using different exposures to bring out the lights and dark of the clouds. I also made my focal point black and white to bring out the subject. After selecting out the specific images, I compiled them into one photograph. Then, I added shadows and highlights to create a more dramatic effect. Lastly, I added Photoshop effects to create the dust coming out of the hand.
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